MIT / M0103 MEMS Pressure Sensor

M0103 is an MEMS Process and Gauge type MEMS pressure (壓力Sensor).…

Golfee / PC 817 光電耦合器

Golfee / PC 817 光電耦合器(Photo Coupler) 可應用�…

UBEC: ZigBee / RFIC / wireless Mesh

達盛電子(UBEC)主要產品: RF chip / wireless Mesh…


元耀科技(YENYO)主要銷售產品:矽控閘流體(SCR/TRIAC) 高壓1600VPFC二極體、小型化TVS、ESD…

ABLIC/ S-19720 Series 36V Voltage TRACKER

S-19720 Series Automotive, 125°C operation 36V imput, 50mA…

Lumissil/ IS31CS8977 IT8051MCU

8051MCU with 2KB SRAM and 64KB ECC E-Flash Applications: Touch…

Taitien/ OZ-D, OY-D 超低電流晶振crystal

消耗電流僅1.4μA的超低電流晶振OZ-D和OY-D 專…

MIT/ KEM2500D-8 Encoder(超薄型編碼器)

MIT/ KEM2500D-8  18Bit core resolution, Base on advanced…

ChipGoal/ CG6133 30V step-down LED Driver

CG6133 30V step-down LED Driver with internal switch output…

Seiko I/ SH-32S 32.768KHZ High accuracy crystal oscillafor

SMD pakage, Application in smart Meter, IOT, Wearable device. Industry…

MST/MH452 Dual Hall Speed and Direction Sensors

The MH452 is a dual channel switch Hall sensor with two hall…

Solteam/JSA-1502 Color Light Sensor (捷騰光電)

  JSA-1502 is a color-based light to digital converter which…